Kornati National Park
The Kornati National Park, as a part of its natural heritage, is of special interest to the Republic of Croatia and is therefore under its special protection. This is why there is a set of rules and regulations laid down in the Rulebook of the Kornati National Park Area. A summary for park visitors follows.
Each visitor to the Kornati National Park must buy an entrance ticket for each day of his/her stay in the area of the National Park. Entrance tickets are available from the reception areas of the Kornati National Park in the Park itself or at sales outlets outside the Park. Please note that tickets bought inside the Kornati National Park are more expensive than those bought outside its boundaries.
Certain places are under special protection in the area of the Kornati National Park:
This includes the sea area 500 metres from their coasts. These zones cannot be visited without special permission. These protected zones are simply left for nature to run its course.
WALKING PATHSThe complete land area of the Kornati National Park is private property. Within this area, visitors are allowed to go to only those places or walk along those paths precisely marked and intended for that particular purpose.
Swimming is allowed in the area of the Kornati National Park, except in the above-mentioned specially protected zones. In the area of the Kornati National Park, scuba diving is allowed only if permits are obtained beforehand. These can be obtained on the premises of the Kornati National Park Office in Murter or at the reception areas in the Park itself.
In the area of the Kornati National Park, recreational fishing is allowed only if a recreational fishing permit is obtained beforehand. This can be obtained on the premises of the Kornati National Park Office or at the reception areas in the Park. Recreational fishing permits allow the use of no more than three fishing lines with a maximum of five hooks on each. The catch limit per day is three kilograms.
In the area of the Kornati National Park, it is not allowed to damage, pick or destroy plants, or to hunt, disturb, harm or kill animals (except for authorised recreational fishing). Likewise, it is not allowed to bring alien species of plants and animals into the area of the Kornati National Park. It is also forbidden to exploit mineral resources, change the scenery or exploit the natural resources in any other way. Various machines or other noise-producing equipment must have a proper sound-proof system. Contamination of the land, sea or air in the area of the Kornati National Park is strictly forbidden. Barbecuing or any other use of fire is allowed only in villages or places precisely marked and intended for that purpose. Firearms or underwater spear-guns cannot be brought into the area of the Kornati National Park.
If you contribute to our effort to prevent our environment from suffering any damage, you are a more than welcome visitor. Please do not leave any signs of your stay on the Kornati islands. We must remind you that our rangers have the authority to punish anyone who does not respect the rules and regulations laid down in the Rulebook of the Kornati National Park Area with heavy fines.
Source: www.kornati.hr
Photos: Branka Dorčić