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Boats coming under the Croatian flag

Pursuant to the Croatian law all boats longer than 2.5 m or boats and with the engine power exceeding 5kW must be entered in the boat register. The boats and yachts are entered in the Register by the Harbour Master's Office or its branch office. A boat or yacht wholly or partially owned by a foreign citizen or person without citizenship and without residence in Croatia may be entered in the Croatian Boat and Yacht Register at his request, if the boat or yacht has not been entered in the foreign boat or yacht register and if it spends most of its time in the sea of the Republic of Croatia.

In order to enter a boat in the Croatian Boat Register the following documents must be enclosed with the application:

• boat and boat propulsion ownership certificate (purchase agreement, receipt,
• customs declaration, construction certificate, deed of gift, proof of inheritance etc.);certificate of gross tonnage if so required by the Technical Regulations, as well
• as the deadweight of the boat if used for commercial activities;
• evidence of registration for commercial activity boats (e.g. charter);
• compulsory insurance policy if the boat engine power exceeds 15 kW;
• certificate of the removal from the register as evidence that the boat has been
• deleted from the foreign register, if the boat is being transferred from a foreign register into the Croatian Register;
• evidence of paid customs and tax obligations;
• evidence of paid fee for entering the boat into the Croatian Boat Register;
• evidence of seaworthiness (inspection record, construction certificate issued
• by the competent body or in accordance with the Declaration of compatibility issued in accordance with the EU Directive 94/25 EC - if the boat has been built outside the Republic of Croatia, and similar;...)

Registration of yachts in the Croatian Yacht Register requires additional documents, and it can only be done in the Harbour Master's Offices. Only original documents must be submitted (original documents can be photocopied by the officials at the Harbour Master's Offices or branch offices). Having entered the boat, an appropriate navigation permit/ registration form for yachts is issued that must be kept on board at all times during navigation together with a valid compulsory insurance policy.

Source: www.mmpi.hr