International “Golden Lion” Festival of Chamber Theatre – summer months
The lighting of the flame in the park marks the start of the annual International Golden Lion Festival of Chamber Theatre, an artistic festival that has already been in existence a decade.
In 2000, Damir Zlatar Frey founded the International Festival of Chamber Theatre in Umag. This renowned and unique theatrical creator runs this multilingual, but above all multicultural, festival (in which each year artists meet in this border area and compete for the first prize and other festival awards), not knowing himself in what amazing way it will develop.
In recent years, the Golden Lion has dealt with various themes (Behind the Curtain, the Planetarium of Women, Childhood – the Key of Life, the Drama of Adaptation, City of Angels – to name a few). More than 120 performances have been staged by over 50 theatres, and nearly 200 performers have been applauded on the Umag stage. The most significant directors, writers, costume designers, set designers, composers, choreographers and other theatre artists have with pleasure written the numerous pages of the Festival's story.
The Golden Lion has over time evolved into one of the most important theatre events not only in the region but in the whole of Croatia. Under the trademark of the town, it has become an unavoidable cultural destination on the artistic map of the area. Through the togetherness of the theatre, it moves, surprises and constantly unsettles this part of the Mediterranean.
With its infectious enthusiasm, the Festival increases its number of admirers every year, raising new generations of theatre lovers, through audiences and friends and all those who in any way support its young (but already strong) life.