Rab/island of Rab
Rab Harbour
Side-on mooring is possible along the 300-meter town quay that is across from the Rab Marina. The catamaran ferry moors at the end of the quay and needs four mooring places. There are power supply points. However, it is advisable to have a long power lead if you want to access them. Mooring places are marked with arrows on this map.
Please note: These maps are for information only and cannot be used when navigating.
Source: Karl-H. Beständig "808 LUKA I UVALA - Hrvatska, Slovenija i Crna Gora" (808 HARBOURS AND BAYS – Croatia, Slovenia and Montenegro)
- Rab Harbour Authority owns the concession
Telephone number: +385 (0)51 725938
Call +385 (0)91 5040102 for information on free mooring places
*In Rab, there is an extra charge per crew member. This cost is not included in the ROUTER programme.
Rab Harbour is not safe when there is a strong sirocco blowing, which mostly happens in winter. This is one of the reasons why ACI Rab operates only from 1 April to 1 November.
These photos were taken on 30 November 2009 when a strong sirocco was blowing in Rab:
Sirocco waves flying over the breakwater in Rab
Rab Harbour flooded
Photography source: www.index.hr, Goran Novotny, Ivo Ravlić/Cropix